The below video goes through FAQs like
– how long will it take to learn guitar or music
– finger hurts what to do
– how best to learn guitar, what is my path etc…
If you are interested in playing Indian Guitar style – raga or film song – please make sure that you go through this video. It may help you save some time or effort.
THE RAGA LEADS COURSE will help you become better at Indian style guitar playing – Raga or Film song.
Many who take the raga leads course and get regular direct guidance from me…
… say they are happy they don’t have to try use generic online tutorial videos anymore and get sucked into the youtube whirlpool.
Starting with the intention of making use of whatever practice time is available in between work and other important things in life… but clicking one video after the other … ending up having totally wasted the time and having no progress to show at the end.
Have a look at the details to see how you can get rid of the Youtube tutorial distraction whirlpool.
Though using the structured Raga Leads course (+ access to me through Skype messages + video messages) does have the very strong advantage of clearly knowing what to do next, what to focus on to maximize your practise time and make the best progress possible for your skill level and goals…
… the benefits and advantages of being part of the Raga Leads course as an insider are many more… i have become clear about them in the last few months as users told me how they are benefitting.
Here are some of the benefits to a structured course, with a teacher on your side to see if they will help you too, to become a better Indian guitar player, playing Indian raga or Film songs fluently as it is sung… or in general becoming a better musician and player…
This is also useful to you, since you will get an idea on what are the goals or benefits one should look for in guitar practice… learning goals etc.
Better Film Song Player: Any language
In the last few months I have had students who wanted to get better at playing songs from the different South Indian languages + Hindi…
Since the techniques and methods needed to play raga or Indian film songs on the guitar is not limited to a particular language, regardless of the language, students have been benefitting…
Also, because…
Students can request for song tutorials
i take song tutorial requests from students ONLY these days 1) because there is no way to meet the request volume otherwise and I have to use my time wisely 2) i have a list of songs which i find have educational value and have been requested enough…
For example, A R Rahman raga songs… I will make more of them on youtube because i know a larger number of the audience will benefit from it + it has learning value, since raga techniques and methods can be learnt using his popular raga songs…
As a student, you can request me for songs. Your requests as student has weightage… I make them faster. But, of course I will also see if it actually will do any good to your growth at this time so that you don’t end up wasting your time and effort deviating from what is best for you. Many of the new youtube videos you see on ‘themusicianself’ channel were made after student requests.
Do you have any specific songs in mind that you would like to use to correct your playing and get to the next level? Join the raga leads course and work on it with me.
Not only do you get the technique and method videos from the video course to help you with your playing, you also get to learn guitar based on songs you like + you have me! To watch your practice videos…
Click to see details and start practising guitar playing what matters to you
Dedicated messaging channel for Students + faster response time
As a student, you can message me to my Skype id, which is used only by students.
Email accounts are getting crowded, messages can’t always be answered. But when you are a student, I want to make sure that I get all your messages and questions. And I am able to answer them within 2 – 3 days.
You can send me your practice videos. I will tell you what exactly to do next to make the best use of your practice time (You may get skype messages from me or recorded videos reviewing your playing and showing you what exactly to practice.
My skype ID is given in the very first video in the info section so that the student can add me immediately after joining, bypassing the need to use email. Faster and surer. I want the course to work for the student.
Here’s what Thewan (raga leads student), has to say about it.
Thewan says: For me course videos are very effective. In my opinion there is no big difference between course video and one to one class.
Guidance, practice and correction or comment from guru, this 3 elements are very important for learning and i think course video has those 3 elements without a doubt.
Moreover, thanks to course video, music knowledge is always available, hence i can plan my learning very well. Even when im occupied with other things, i can always find some time to watch those videos and practice little bit.
Video course is more beneficial as it is more flexible.
(When asked about if interaction with me through Skype and correction videos helps:)
First of all your words are big inspiration for me. Your feedback is very useful as you mention what are things on which i need to concentrate more. and plus i can ask you what ever doubt i have whenever i want.
Learn different topics with me
Vivek wants to make his ear training better: so I send him videos with instructions on how he can practice ear training (playing by ear) using songs he is familiar with… while practising the videos from the course for better technique and playing ability + understanding of scales etc and connecting raga and Indian music with the western instrument guitar.
Manoj may send me a chord melody video he tried: to which I reply with a video showing how he can focus on the melody notes, slowly start adding chords and how to practice so that the playing finally works. He also works with his favorite Hindi songs… practice videos of which he sends me regularly.
Some students learn Indian style using Malayalam songs, some using Ilayaraja or Rahman songs in different languages…
Have me on your side, any time you need help. Click to see details
Film songs are very useful path and goal
… to learn Indian guitar style,
since the method and technique you learn in the Raga Leads course can be applied on film songs you are already familiar with…
the techniques and methods you need to play Indian film songs are raga based.
A search of your <favorite song + raga> will immediately show you how most Indian songs have a raga base… and even when they are not directly raga style, the technique and method you need to use, the theory you need to know to play Indian film songs well… all originate from raga style.
Aren’t the famous singers raga style singers? Even when they are not traditional songs… still, the grace, the connections between notes, the emotion, the logic and sense… all are raga based.
Why did/do Yesudas or Hariharan or Shankar Mahadevan or Chithra or Arijit Singh have a stable career singing Indian film songs?
Application based and Practical
Of course the person has to spend time on the videos to learn the basics. To progress from basics to advanced.
The student has to go through my recommendation and correction videos and practice them to get better.
That is obvious, I guess… that we can’t guarantee anyone progress unless they apply…
But the good thing is, using our Raga Leads course methods, you can immediately start applying it to whatever you wish to finally play.
They are not limited to the particular Carnatic or Raga song that is given in the course.
Learning Goals and Heirarchy
The learning leads you from remembering to understanding.
It prevents you from being stuck in rote memorization and repeat – stuck with tabs and somehow hitting.
Instead it takes you to better phrasing, how to structure you playing, what to think when carrying notes of your favorite songs on the guitar, why scales are needed and how to use it to your favor… progressing to Improvisation and being able to adapt the techniques and methods and music to your needs.
Without the base, there is no advanced… Even when someone claims to be the best of improviser, if he or she doesn’t have any means to express it… well… what does the improvisation even mean…
Get rid of somehow from your playing and music learning…
Join me on the inside 🙂 (like i said, you will have direct access with me using Skype messages, where you can send me your practice videos and be in constant touch)
p.s. If someone is not familiar with my playing or teaching, they should please watch youtube tutorials at themusicianself channel before attempting any course with me. If one doesn’t know yet if I am good at teaching and getting results, they need to please go through the free material first before any commitment or direct interaction with me.
I use a nylon string acoustic guitar. My students use electric or acoustic, nylon or steel.
Once you have a very basic familiarity with guitar, hit a few strings, press a few notes, you can start trying Indian Guitar methods, if playing Raga or film songs is your interest – what led you to wanting to play the guitar. Don’t waste time on generic note playing methods when you know you want to play Indian style. I am here to help.
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