Jeevamshamayi Tabs and How to Video (raga reethigowla) | Malayalam song detailed Notes, Tabs
Here is the Raga Reethigowla based Malayalam song Jeevamshamayi Tabs and How-to video.
The first part of the video gives an introduction to the raga Reethigowlai and the underlying scale dorian.
How to convert the C major scale to the Dorian scale. Changing the pitch to the D Dorian scale. Then adding the needed slides to make the raga from the scale.
I have also included a Reethigowla version from Veena master Anandapadmanabhan.
Each phrase of the song is built from the notes, with embellishments added using slides, hammer ons and pull offs, so that the song sounds the way it is sung…
Raga Reethigowla
Here is the detailed TABs for Jeevamshamayi song, in pdf format. All the rights belong to the original creators and owners. I am merely transcribing it for learning purposes.

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