Teacher as content provider? waste of all kinds of resources.
Except when teacher
- helps you go through the content you finally want to play or what ignited interest in you to play to begin with
- and continuously takes you to the parts which you make mistakes with
Sounds opposite to what we were usually made to believe?
Constantly bringing us to the edge of ability,
the teacher lets you stay in the learning zone, beyond the comfort zone…
the next part is why the teacher’s problem solving ability is useful and why teacher becomes a useful part of your learning…
while lettnig you stay in the border, playing mistakes, the teacher goes to the details level and micro movements level, awareness and visualization level to give you the objective constant feedback with actionable steps, that the student by herself wouldn’t have known to look for.
remember the thumb – while playing a chord change… unusual for a student to know that… thumb? what does that have to do with chords? it is not even on the fretboard…
remove the delay by stopping and thinking, not somehow again and again the same. OK…
don’t use the metronome. clarity first. don’t add artificial constraints… the student would hear that as unconventional wisdom… but trust the teacher and improve through.
we are now in times that talk about Mylien and neuron wrapping etc, where the older vague explanations are no more needed, when it comes to to why deliberate slow practice with conscious attention to hunting for mistakes and consciously slowly improving them with planning and phrasing is what helps one advance smart and fast and sure…
All the best to your practice!
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