Guitar Chord Code

Triads on the guitar

Major and minor chords – the three master chord fingering patterns, changing between major and minor. Right click and save as

Minor, Diminished and Augmented triads based on the basic D major chord position (2nd string root). Right click and save as

Minor, Diminished and Augmented triads based on the basic G major chord position (1st and 4th string root). Right click and save as

Minor, Diminished and Augmented triads based on the C major chord position (3rd string root). Right click and save as

7th and 6th chords

Major 7th, dominant 7th (simple 7th) and major 6th chords based on the C major chord position (3rd string root). Right click and save as

Minor major 7th, minor 7th and minor 6th chords based on the C chord position (3rd string root). Right click and save as (latest)

Major 7th, dominant 7th (simple 7th) and major 6th chords based on the G major chord position (1st and 4th string root). Right click and save as

Minor major 7th, minor 7th and minor 6th chords based on the G chord position (1st and 4th string root). Right click and save as

The 4 seventh chords using 4th string root with obvious shifts – simple, efficient, comfortable. Right click and save as

Useful music theory. Intervals, note sequence, major and minor scales from chromatic scale. Right click and save as

Three note chords

The triads – major, minor, augmented, diminished, relations between them, practical tips, suspended chords. Right click and save as.

Four note chords

Seventh chords

Introduction to Seventh Chords Right click and save as

Seventh chords in practice Right click and save as

Diminished and half diminished Seventh chords Right click and save as

Sixth chords – the sixth interval Right click and save as

Added 9th, flat fifth

Using chords

The chords of major scale and minor scale – using it to find chords for melodies