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How to Indian music on Guitar

DETAILED Indian Guitar Tutorials – Fluent Indian Raga & Film songs on Guitar

Kadhal Rojave/ Janeman Guitar

Roja Song – kadhal rojave adapted to Guitar. Using slide, hammer on, pull off techniques, along with phrasing and fingers to SOUND LIKE SUNG.


The Guitar shows the exact notes as the TAB. The song is played to a fixed speed. Use for practice, playalong, pause and learn.

Inkem Inkem Telugu on Guitar

Detailed Slides, Hammer on and Pull off techniques imitate the vocals, fluently. Listen to the improvisations and embellishments.

Music Problems Solved

Indian Guitar Fluency | Rhythm & Chord. 

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All courses access

  • Rhythm and chords
  • Indian guitar fluency
  • Beginner or Advanced

Familiar Problems?

  • Rhythm not matching? 
  • Singing not matching with chord?
  • What’s the importance of down strokes?
  • How do chord notes match with the singing?

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Get rhythm & chord help in your email. Along with TABs, insider tips, practice methods for success.

  • How to improvise chords for song?
  • Fingerstyle & Chord melody?
  • Finding notes and chords?
  • & more…

The tutorials on this page teach you how to play Indian music on guitar FLUENTLY LIKE IT IS SUNG. Click on one of the links above. If you need more options, see below.

Indian music on Guitar

More options:

Rhythm & Chords

Fingerstyle, Chord Melody, Find...

Carnatic on Guitar

Geethams, Krithis

Courses & Group

Corrections, Exclusive lessons

Malargale (ARR) Extreme Detail

Malargale played like sung. Using slide, hammer on, pull off techniques to imitate the singing of Hariharan. Try the tabs to play – focus on guitar phrasing.

Aaro Viral Meeti Guitar

Malayalam raga song on Guitar. Melody on Guitar played like sung. Raga moves are imitated using Slides, Hammer ons and pull offs.

Alaipayuthe Kanna Guitar

Hammer on and Pull off techniques are needed to play the long vowels. Playing Indian raga on old steel string guitar (see tabs). Raga Kanada, A R Rahman

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