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Interested in playing Indian Raga and Film Songs on the Guitar Fluently?

Want to be better at finding and playing chords, rhythm, chord melody… ?

This is a collection of technique videos + playing/music/method resources sent to your email.

OR… If you are ready to get to the next level, to make consistent and lasting progress…

Tutorials & Resources

Your Interest

  • Fluent Indian music on Guitar
  • Rhythm & Chords
  • Carnatic on Guitar
  • Fingerstyle & Chord Melody
  • Finding notes, chords
  • Singing with guitar

Learn guitar playing towards what you really want to play, using music that you are familiar with and excited about.

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Hello, my name is Shyam.

You may have seen my videos on youtube (Channels: Musicianself & shyammonk):  Indian music on the guitar fluently and efficiently, DETAILED LIKE IT IS SUNG, rhythm & chords, fingerstyle and chord melody…

Learning & Teaching I have a BTech from the IIT Madras. Prepared for the exam from a small town in southern Kerala, using old question papers and guides, got an AIR of 716 in JEE 1998. So, I do know a bit about preparing, practising, getting outcomes 🙂

I started playing guitar as I was 11 years old (Indian style + chords and scales etc). Been teaching for the past 15 years or so.

You could start with the free resources from this link. If you have found my videos useful and would like to give some value in return, join a course at Indianguitarschool.com instead of a donation. You get more value and I’ll be able to sustain and produce more value.

As a child and teen, I loved making content, teaching, playing music.

That makes where I am now, the right place for me.

I started playing the guitar as I was 11. Before that, I played on table and other objects, all kinds of rhythms I could, trying to accompany songs I heard on the radio or occasionally on TV.

As a child and teen, I used to compile material from available books to make articles about Kingfishers, Sun, Plants etc.

As a teen, I used to make play money to play Teaching with my younger sister. She wasn’t a fan of that. But I liked teaching.

So, even before money or career or anything serious came into picture, I did the three things anyway because I loved to do it: making music, making content, teaching.

ARRahman came out with his Roja movie. I listened to composers like Johnson, Ravindran, Ilayaraja and older songs from films.

I wanted to compose. Making melodies. They were doing it. It is such fun. We can really create these sounds. That made sense. Sounds that said things which I couldn’t with words.

I would stand on the table in our hall. The hall had two speakers on the top corners. I imagined moving mixers, listening to the instruments in a mix, based on what I had seen on TV – how they use mixers and things.

Slowly I was able to make my own melodies. I was practising chords for songs I heard and liked and sang. Luckily there was a lot of time and space – not much adults around – no TV channels other than Doordarshan. NO internet to disrupt the learning by giving ready made solutions.

Over the years, connecting melody and chords while composing became easy. I did do multi instrument sequencing and sound engineering. But finally it was enough to do the chords and compose using the guitar. Any other work can be outsourced as long as the core detailed music work was done.

Internet. Youtube. Online Courses.

All off shoots and carriers for the main core interest and competencies.